It's easy to recognise beauty (if you know how to do it)
Amat per Refresh Project!

The need to recover arts' basic experiences – the abc – is what gave birth to this project. The aim of Amat per Refresh! is to recommend youngsters to use theseexperiences as an antidote against a society where chaos and frailty prevail. This objective explains the title which recalls the first medium of knowledge children have at their disposal in the primary school: the spelling-book, through which they learn to read and write. This project aims to organise different activities in order to spread this basic knowledge seen as one of the finest things in the arts created by the human genius . Symbolically linked to some letters of the alphabet, they form an out-and-out handbook devoted to “beauty”, where each letter corresponds to an educational proposal conceived and minded by professionals of each industry. The result is an odd “menu”, made up of conferences-performances, meetings, guided tours and viewings, which appears, in this particular case, in this way:
L as Lorenzo Lotto
in cooperation with the Pinacoteca Civica in Jesi.
Through an itinerary of knowledge which starts from school, where Lotto is studied first as a man and then as an artist, and ends in the Pinacoteca, children will be able to discover the troubled and wandering disposition of this genius of the art of the 16th century. Following in his own footsteps in Jesi, which is one of the main towns in Marche that hosted him and his paintings with pride, they will take part inan unusual and fun treasure hunt, where the first real treasure will be the astonishment ofthe beauty of Lotto himself.
-a one-hour lesson in class together with Carolina Petrini, who graduated in Lingue e Letterature Straniere (Foreign Language Learning) majoring in Organizzazione dello Spettacolo dal Vivo (Organisation of Live Performances), with an experimental thesis entitled L’hic et nunc dell’arte: la mostra come spettacolo dal vivo (The hic et nunc of art: exhibitions as live performances);
-in the afternoon: the activities will end in the Pinacoteca in Jesi with a treasure hunt about Lotto;
-this project is free for schools and students; the workshop is aimed at highschool students.
-the activities of the project must be carried out by the 23rd December 2012;
-bookings must be made by 15th November 2012;

Information and bookings
Pinacotea Civica in Jesi: Simona Cardinali – Romina Quarchioni
tel. 0731 538306 | 0731 538342 | 0731 538343